About me

Born in Singaraja, Bali

Dr. Putu Harry Gunawan is a lecturer and researcher of school of computing, Telkom University. He graduated Doctor of Mathematics in double degree program at Universite Paris-Est (France) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) in 2015. He also graduated Master of Sciences in double degree program at Kanazawa University (Japan) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) in 2011. He obtained Bachelor Degree of Computational Mathematics from Udayana University (Indonesia) in 2009. His research field is in area of applied mathematics, numerical method in PDEs, and high performance computing applications.

Currently, he is active as a journal Editor and reviewer of Indo-JC and E-jouranal Matematika. He also has several scientific publications in reputed journals and conferences. Please see his publications in SINTA and Google Scholar. Moreover, he is an active member of scientific associations such as, IEEE, IAENG, INAPR etc.




Email: [email protected]

Office: IF3.01.01 (Gedung F), School of Computing, Telkom University

Lecture ID: PHN


My Supervisers


Universite Paris-est

Prof. Robert Eymard

Institut Teknologi Bandung


Superviser 1: Prof. Dr. Sri Redjeki Pudjaprasetya

Superviser 2: Prof. Dr. Marcus Wono Setyabudhi




Kanazawa University

Prof. Omata Seiro

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Prof. Suprijadi



Universitas Udayana

Superviser 1: Drs. G.K. Gandhiadi, M.T

Ir. I Putu Eka Nila Kencana, M.T