Category: Scientific News

  • Partial Differential Equations

    Here we be shown some types of partial differential equations such as transport equation, heat equation, wave equation, etc. The illustration of each equations is presented in one- and two-dimensional form. This page is created for Calculus class Week 10 Partial Derivatives, Informatics, Telkom University. 1. Transport Equations: One-dimensional transport equation: Two-dimensional transport equation: 2.…

  • Webinar Informatics in Geodesy

    [Webinar for Informatics Students]School of ComputingTelkom University Proudly Present:-Webinar-Applications of Informatics in Geodesy Date: Saturday, June 5th, 2021Time: 10.00 – 12.00 WIB Speaker I:Nyoman Robby Manik Saputra, S.Pi., M.PCEO PT Amerta Geospasial IndonesiaSlide Materi Speaker I : download Speaker II:Ketut Tomy Suhari, S.T., M.T.Lecturer and Researcher ITN Malang/ Head of KJSKB SingarajaSlide Materi Speaker II:…

  • Branch and Bound

    Branch and Bound Please study about Branch and Bound through the following video in Youtube: 1. Introduction to BnB 2. Application 1: Job Sequencing with Deadline 3. Application 2: Integer Knapsack 4. Application 3: Traveling Salesman problem Moreover, please make a note from those video in maximum 5 pages as your…

  • Prove the correctness of iterative algorithm mathematically

    This article is one of some topics from my lecture Design and Analysis of Algorithm (see here). The goal is to understand how to prove the correctness of an algorithm in iterative form. Let’s start with the simple one. Problem Given an algorithm  to find the Fibonacci number at n sequence. As its definition, Fibonacci…

  • Mathematical approach in Image Processing

    No doubt that mathematics research area can be expand to computer vision area such as image processing. Indeed, this area can be a new perspective in Mathematics and Computer Science. One of the popular model in image processing can be using partial differential equation (PDE) to describe the evolution of an image. Therefore, some numerical…